這首Weezer的Island in the Sun
是從Pandora的“Jason Maze station被電腦隨機播放而認識的

簡單的旋律 易懂的歌詞
夏天快到啦 這首歌是一定要在沙灘上曬太陽聽的啦

個人最愛整曲從頭到尾不停的hip hip
聽起來很像青蛙嗝嗝叫 更有夏日小島的風情

這首單曲是Weezer 2001年出的 算是老歌了 也算是Weezer海內外最紅的歌曲

第一隻是Marcos Siega.製作 主要背景為墨西哥式婚禮
第二隻Spike Jonze.製作 故事背景為團員在LA近郊的野外和野生動物玩耍
目前youtube上都沒有release embed code

假日就是要好好放鬆去玩 在小島上在 豔陽下
聽著聽著 越來越期待即將來臨的夏天

Weezer 【Island in the Sun】
hip hip
hip hip
hip hip
hip hip

When you’re on a holiday
You can’t find the words to say
All the things that come to you
And I wanna feel it too

On an island in the sun
We’ll be playing and having fun
And it makes me feel so fine
I can’t control my brain

hip hip
hip hip

When you’re on a golden sea
You don’t need no memory
Just a place to call your own
As we drift into the zone

On an island in the sun
We’ll be playing and having fun
And it makes me feel so fine
I can’t control my brain

We’ll run away together
We’ll spend some time forever
We’ll never feel bad anymore

hip hip
hip hip
hip hip

On an island in the sun
We’ll be playing and having fun
And it makes me feel so fine
I can’t control my brain

We’ll run away together
We’ll spend some time forever
We’ll never feel bad anymore

Hip Hip

(hip hip)
We’ll never feel bad anymore
(hip hip)
no no
(hip hip)
We'll never feel bad anymore
(hip hip)
no no
(hip hip)
We'll never feel bad anymore
(hip hip)
(hip hip)
No No
(hip hip)
We'll never feel bad anymore

(hip hip)
No No

no no


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