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然後某位網路人士惡搞 auto tune後,這位英國小童也可以發專輯啦!要當Kanye West 一點都不難阿!




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這首 Soulja Boy Tell 'Em Kiss Me Thru The Phone 是遠距最佳代表歌之一。


Soulja Boy Tell 'Em本名DeAndre Ramone Way,很多人都直接叫他Soulja Boy。出生於July 28, 1990,現年只有19歲!
他的發跡很有意思。November 2005,Way這個當時只有15歲的小男孩,把自己做的歌曲貼在SoundClick(一個免費供人上傳下載mp3歌曲的網站),獲得廣大迴響,這間接鼓勵了他在 YouTube 和 MySpace架設了個人影音網站。March 2007,他自行錄製Crank That放在網路上供人聆聽下載,兩個月後,May 2007這首歌因為太過熱門,Way和著名製作人簽了約,藝名Soulja Boy,同時這首歌也首度在電台上播出。接著August 12, 2007這首歌在相當受歡迎的HBO影集之一Entourage播出,從此一炮而紅,九月時登上Billboard Hot 100,為Soulja Boy打下未來的舞台之路。

雖然如此,我個人卻不是很喜歡這首Crank That,反倒是這首2008年的單曲Kiss Me Thru The Phone一聽就喜歡上-簡單輕鬆的旋律、簡單重複的歌詞,是首佷容易就難以從腦中消失的曲子。一直以來網路上很多對Soulja Boy的批評,爭論這個大男生到底會不會rap。相當然爾,一個當時18歲的大男孩,快速麻雀變鳳凰,怎麼可能不樹大招風的引來批評與指教?不過有批評指教也代表有人注意有人氣,這首Kiss Me Thru The Phone 最輝煌時期的紀錄為Billboard Hot 100第三名,U.S. Rap Charts第一名。廣播電台天天強力播岀,讓人不朗朗上口也難。

歌詞大意大概是男孩想念遠距的女朋友,傾訴思念之情;擁抱不到,就在電話中親吻吧。有注意到歌詞裡有一組電話號碼嗎?Six, seven, eight, triple nine, eight, two, one, two(678-999-8212)。

這隻號碼真的可以打!678是Michigan州的area code之一 Atlanta, Georgia的area code(多謝網友告知呀,明明就是678,我腦中卻浮現679 哈哈)。某天我和B在車上跟著唱著唱著,B突然說他要打那隻電話。我的直覺反應是:別鬧啦!很像在看台灣鄉土劇,那些入戲太深的阿婆阿桑。B很認真的說:你不知道嗎?類似這樣的電話號碼都可以打,而且聽到歌的人很多都會試著打打看,這些號碼一定早就被註冊起來啦。

果真,嘟嘟嘟,有人接了!還是一個滿口yoyo的黑人男孩聲音,這不是Soulja Boy嗎?好像聽不清楚一樣,喂個不停,讓話筒另一端用擴音的我以為真的是他接的。我真的是太嫩了!B狂笑,電話是B打的,同時也和Soulja Boy講了幾句,後來才發現啊~現在的電話語音系統真是高招,不能怪我被騙,真的是很像在對話耶~不是雞同鴨講耶~不過沒一分鍾,電話語音就謝謝我們支持Soulja Boy了。有點麻煩的是,手機馬上接到一封678-999-8212來的商業簡訊,如果不回stop,還會持續不斷的寄來。



Kiss Me Thru The Phone lyrics

Songwriters: Sceffer, J; Way, Deandre

Soulja Boy Tell 'Em

Baby you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you tonight
But I cannot baby girl and that's the issue
Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone, I'll see you later on
Kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home
Baby I know that you like me, you my future wifey
Soulja Boy Tell 'Em, yeah
You can be my Bonnie, I can be your Clyde
You could be my wife, text me, call me

I need you in my life, yeah all day everyday I need ya
And every time I see ya my feelings get deeper
I miss ya, I miss ya, I really wanna kiss you but I can't
Six, seven, eight, triple nine, eight, two, one, two

Baby you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you tonight
But I cannot baby girl and that's the issue
Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone, I'll see you later on
Kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home

Baby I been thinking lately so much about you
Everything about you, I like it, I love it
Kissing you in public, thinking nothing of it
Roses by the dozen, talking on the phone

Baby you so sexy, your voice is so lovely
I love your complexion, I miss ya, I miss ya, I miss ya
I really wanna kiss you but I can't
Six, seven, eight, triple nine, eight, two, one, two

Baby you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you tonight
But I cannot baby girl and that's the issue
Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone, I'll see you later on
Kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home

She call my phone like
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
We on the phone like
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da

We taking pics like
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
She dial my number like
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
Six, seven, eight, triple, nine, eight, two, one, two

Baby you know that I miss you, I wanna get with you tonight
But I cannot baby girl and that's the issue
Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone, I'll see you later on
Kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home

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Viva La Vida是Coldplay在2008年五月所發行的歌曲

這張專輯發行後沒多久就獲得廣大回應 在2009年Grammy Award上獲得最佳搖滾專輯獎
Entertainment Weekly magazine稱這專輯為“Coldplay第四張且是最棒的一張專輯 (their fourth and nest album)“

Viva La Vida是西班牙文
取自20世紀墨西哥藝術家Frida Kahlo 1954年逝世前最後之作
翻譯成英文為“long live life“


“pillars of salt“就是聖經裡Lot's wife變成鹽柱象徵羞恥根源的故事
“I know Saint Peter won't call my name“源於天主教相信聖彼得守護通往天堂的大門 若聖彼得不叫你的名字 就代表你進不去啦
“Seas would rise when I gave the word“ 取自聖經裡摩西與紅海的故事
許多人認為歌詞內容暗指法國大革命, 拿破崙,凱薩, 古羅馬帝國最後一任皇帝Nero, 十字軍東征, 甚至George Bush或耶穌


每當疲累低落時 聽了這首歌 就可以士氣大振!

回想歐洲大陸歷史 那段宗教與國王之間政教糾纏難解的時期 當國王並不是那麼簡單的
光看歌詞 的確馬上會有數個歐陸帝國故事在腦海中上演
Coldplay自己都說了 沒有直指哪段革命 哪個國王
想像那中古歐洲歷史裡 飛舞的劍與戰爭

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"

One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
然後我發現我的城堡是站在鹽之柱上啊 鹽之柱上

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
請當我的鏡子, 我的劍與盾
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
當你一到那 絕對不會說出個誠實的字句
And that was when I ruled the world

It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become

Revolutionaries wait
革命家們啊 等一等
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

Viva La Vida Wikipedia
Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends Wikipedia

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這首Weezer的Island in the Sun
是從Pandora的“Jason Maze station被電腦隨機播放而認識的

簡單的旋律 易懂的歌詞
夏天快到啦 這首歌是一定要在沙灘上曬太陽聽的啦

個人最愛整曲從頭到尾不停的hip hip
聽起來很像青蛙嗝嗝叫 更有夏日小島的風情

這首單曲是Weezer 2001年出的 算是老歌了 也算是Weezer海內外最紅的歌曲

第一隻是Marcos Siega.製作 主要背景為墨西哥式婚禮
第二隻Spike Jonze.製作 故事背景為團員在LA近郊的野外和野生動物玩耍
目前youtube上都沒有release embed code

假日就是要好好放鬆去玩 在小島上在 豔陽下
聽著聽著 越來越期待即將來臨的夏天

Weezer 【Island in the Sun】
hip hip
hip hip
hip hip
hip hip

When you’re on a holiday
You can’t find the words to say
All the things that come to you
And I wanna feel it too

On an island in the sun
We’ll be playing and having fun
And it makes me feel so fine
I can’t control my brain

hip hip
hip hip

When you’re on a golden sea
You don’t need no memory
Just a place to call your own
As we drift into the zone

On an island in the sun
We’ll be playing and having fun
And it makes me feel so fine
I can’t control my brain

We’ll run away together
We’ll spend some time forever
We’ll never feel bad anymore

hip hip
hip hip
hip hip

On an island in the sun
We’ll be playing and having fun
And it makes me feel so fine
I can’t control my brain

We’ll run away together
We’ll spend some time forever
We’ll never feel bad anymore

Hip Hip

(hip hip)
We’ll never feel bad anymore
(hip hip)
no no
(hip hip)
We'll never feel bad anymore
(hip hip)
no no
(hip hip)
We'll never feel bad anymore
(hip hip)
(hip hip)
No No
(hip hip)
We'll never feel bad anymore

(hip hip)
No No

no no

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好不容易有時間晚上幫我帶Ezii 讓我做正事

哎呀呀 太多東西想寫啦
小孩這週又多了好多新發展 這幾天找到時間應該就會狂發文


自從有這首歌後 不曉得為什麼 就像嗑藥
沒事就哼 隨時都想聽 越聽越開心 只要聽到旋律 就超級自嗨  

基本上 這是首令人愉悅的歌
簡單容易朗朗上口的歌詞 有魔力的旋律 跟著Akon哼著哼著就可以讓我笑咪咪

雖然Akon的很多歌 歌詞都18禁兒童不宜
因偷竊與運毒坐過牢的他 有著很不一樣的成長背景與歌手生涯
獨特的 West African-style 讓他在市場上獨樹一格
像Mr. Lonely, I Wanna Love You, Sorry, Blame It on Me 都很令人耳熟能詳

【Beautiful】Akon ft. Colby O'Donis & Kardinal offishall

When i see you,
I run out of words to say
I wouldn't leave you,
Cause your that type of girl, that makes mistakes


I see the guys tryna' holla,
Girl i don't want to bother you,
Cause your independent and you got my attention
And i'll be your baby father,
Girl i just want to show you,
That i love what you are doing

I see you in the club, you gettin' down' low
I wanna get with you
I see you in the club, you showin' thugs love
That wanna get with you

You're so beautiful, so damn beautiful
Said your so beautiful, so damn beautiful
You're so beautiful,
Beautiful(x2)you're so beautiful,

(Colby O'Donis)

Like the clouds you drift me away,far away,(yeaaah) and like the sun you brighten my day,you brighten my day(yeaaah)

i nvr wanna see you cry cry cry and i nvr wanna tell a lie lie lie said i nvr wanna see yuu cry cry cry and i nvr wanna tell a lie lie lie

I see you in the club, you gettin' down' low
I wanna get with you
I see you in the club, you showin' thugs love
That wanna get with you

You're so beautiful, so damn beautiful
Said your so beautiful, so damn beautiful
You're so beautiful,
Beautiful(x2)you're so beautiful,

I see you in the club, you gettin' down'
I wanna get with you
I see you in the club, you showin' thugs love
That wanna get with you

You're so beautiful, so damn beautiful
Said your so beautiful, so damn beautiful
You're so beautiful,beautiful(x2)

Where'd you come from, you're outta' this world, to me
You're a symbol of what a beautiful woman should be (ooh wee)

I nvr wanna see you cry cry cry and i nvr wanna tell a lie lie lie said i nvr wanna see yuu cry cry cry and i nvr wanna tell a lie lie lie

I see you in the club, you gettin' down' low
I wanna get with you
I see you in the club, you showin' thugs love
That wanna get with you

You're so beautiful, so damn beautiful
Said your so beautiful, so damn beautiful
You're so beautiful...

youtube上還沒release 【beautiful】的official MV embed code

Mr. Lonely

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自從看了Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa 【馬達加斯加2】
就對Moto Moto這個角色無法忘情
Will-i-am的嗓音配上Moto Moto這個自戀的大河馬 激盪出無法言諭的妙趣

整體而言 這部電影又是個Dreamworks的佳作
除了提名2008 艾美獎Best Animated Effects與Best Writing in an Animated Feature Production外
也贏了2009 Blimp Award的 Favorite Animated Movie

流暢的故事 逗趣的對話 精細的特效
不只小孩愛看 對成人也有絕佳的娛樂效果

就是不是主角 但一出場噴飯效果一流的Moto Moto

Moto Moto是哪位?
就是在非州迷上 Gloria的那隻大肥河馬

在河馬的世界 越大 越肥 越圓 越是迷人

Moto Moto是草原上最肥碩的公河馬
自戀的他 也認為自己迷死眾天下母河馬是也
Moto Moto是非洲話裡的““hot hot""  或許中文可以翻成“夯夯“-就是超夯的一隻河馬

主要出場兩次的Moto Moto 每次出場都令人爆笑
英文版的配音與歌曲 由The Black Eyed Peas 裡的Will.i.am負責
風格詭異的Will.i.am 以其獨特的沙啞低沈嗓音 把這個角色唱的活靈活現

主要兩個有Moto Moto的橋段
1. 初遇Gloria之 ““Big and Chunky"" 與2. 戲水橋段之“She loves me

由歌詞可知 這是個多麼崇尚big (大)and chunky (又壯又碩)and plumpy (又矮又渾圓)的世界哪

在“She loves Me“裡 還出現 heftiness(又大又重又夠力)和zestiness  (又辣又帶勁的滋味)
plumpy是古早用字 現在很少有人用來形容身材
zestiness是zesty的變形 算是made-up的字

Big and Chunky

Chunky, chunky,
I like 'em big, I like 'em chunky
I like 'em big, I like 'em plumpy
I like 'em round, With something, something
They Like my sound/ They think I'm funky

She Loves Me

She loves me, she loves my eyes, (很好 愛我的眼睛很好)
She loves me, she loves my thighs,  (愛我的大腿也不賴)
She loves my roundness, (恩 喜歡我的渾圓)
She loves that I'm chunky, (喜歡我很大一塊.....ㄜ)
She loves that I'm plumpy, (喜歡我又圓又矮又肥...喂~) 
She loves my heftiness, (喜歡我又大又重又夠力)
She loves my zestiness,  (喜歡我又辣又帶勁的滋味)
She loves my restlessly, 
She loves me forever,

She loves me, because she loves me.

Dreamworks額外錄了整首“Big and Chuny“還有MV 也是個好笑

Big and Chuny

Chunky, chunky,
I like 'em big, I like 'em chunky
I like 'em big, I like 'em plumpy
I like 'em round, With something, something
They Like my sound/ They think I'm funky

My name is Motto Motto
You say it double
Say my name. Motto Motto
Say it again/ Motto Motto
I am nice and smooth. So nice and sassy

No other Hippos. Don't wanna get next to me
I like em chunky, chunky, chunky. Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
Chunky, chunky, chunky. Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
I like em hippos. That's in the wild
I like they attitude. I like they style
The way they walk, walk. The way they talk, talk
I like 'em witta appetite. To eat a shark, shark
And when a dog barks, she'll eat em too

I love every inch,
Oh yes I do
I like em chunky, chunky, chunky. Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
Chunky, chunky, chunky. Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy

Ain't nottin' wrong. With lovin' chunky
I like 'em funny
I like 'em spunky. I like 'em witty
I like 'em smart... with brains
Girl I Like your big... (What you say)
Your big ol' heart (What)
Girl you crazy. She drive me crazy
I love my lady
She nice and shapely. She nice and spacey
Take so much space up. Like a big ol' spaceship
Movin' so gracious
It's all in the way she moves. It's all in the way she moves
It's all in the way. It's all in the way she moves
When she do, what she do
What she do, what she do, what she do, what she do
Get it girl
Chunky. Plumpy
Chunky. Plumpy
Ain't nottin' wrong. Ain't nottin' wrong
Chunky. Plump

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Pandora首頁 每過一陣子就會換首頁底圖


神奇的 潘朵拉的音樂盒-【Pandora Internet Radio 】潘朵拉網路音樂收音機

自從B介紹我這好貨後 每天幾乎都離不開這個
一整天下來除了iTunes外 一定會使用潘朵拉個幾回

Pandora 最令人喜愛的功能 就是設定個人喜愛電台 stations that play only music you like!
註冊個人帳號後 建立新電台 然後該電台只會播放類似曲風的歌曲

只要輸入歌手名字 或 歌曲名稱 或 樂曲風格 (ex, guitar music)即可
可以建立無限多個新電台 愛幾個有幾個 不過類似曲風的建立多了也沒什麼意思

上為電台播放部份 下為相關資訊部份

建立好新電台 所建立的電台名稱就會出現在“Your Station“
點選電台 Pandora就會無限制自動播放類似曲風的歌曲
如果不喜歡所播放的歌曲 可以按pass進入下一首 如果連續六七回次都不是很滿意Pandora挑選的歌曲

如果很愛一首歌 可以給它一個 thumb up
同理 不愛的話則給它一個thumb down

同一首歌出現太多次 可以ban它一個月 想聽時再把它解開


為了兼故聽眾需求 同時也不讓白花花鈔票如水流
Pandora有個背景程式在跑 專門用來sense這台電腦使用狀況
如果電腦好一陣子沒使用 就會出現這個"are you still listening" 說“We try not to play to an empty room“

如果還想聽的話 點一下“I am still listening“即可

資訊部份 主要的控制bar圍左側那五個小圖示
由上而下依次為 “About This Music“, "Your Profile", "Genre Station", "Mobile & Home", 與"Video Series"
(頁面最上方也有一個同樣功能的控制bar 只是我習慣用下面這個bar)
最主要的就是 “About This Music“
每次播放 都可以點選 “About This Music“了解歌手背景 專輯資訊 歌曲資訊 歌詞 與 Fans(看看哪位會員和你一樣喜歡這音樂)

以Jack Johnson的"Breakdown"為例
電台播放部份出現專輯名稱與照片 歌曲名稱 歌手名稱
資訊部份 在“歌手背景“處為Jack Johnson簡介


我最愛的功能出現 同時也是Pandora討喜的地方


mellow rock instrumentation, reggae influences, acoustic sonority, major key tonality, and a coal-centric aesthetic

歌詞 如果想跟唱很方便

Your Profile部份可以bookmark喜愛的歌曲或歌手 很方便的功能

Mobile & Home部份 教你怎麼在手機上聽Pandora

最後的"Video Series"則是連結到MV 就不放圖了

另外 在建立有些歌曲或歌手 因為產權問題 所以無法依照request播放
不過Pandora會建立類似曲風電台 如果不喜歡的話再把電台刪掉即可 

比如說 Pachabel的Canon 就是個好例子

這麼好用又聰明的internet radio
所有歌曲都是合法的 無法下載 只能線上聆聽

唯一遺憾是鑿於智慧財產權 僅適用美國地區
我在Salzburg想用時才發現 (XD 回台灣玩都來不及了 哪有時間聽音樂)

itest8 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Pandora 在 iPhone上也可以用
只要有3G或是wifi 走到哪就聽到哪 也不用塞一大堆音樂把手機灌爆


第一次使用前 最主要的就是進入所設定的個人帳號


也可以在iPhone上編輯所有電台 建立新電台 用bookmark等等

(iPhone的好處就在這 超級方便!)



Pandora超好用 一試成主顧的啦 給你一個thumb up!


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這首歌來自Eagle Eye Cherry1997年發行的第一張專輯 Desireless 為該專輯的主打歌
從第一次聽到就愛上這首歌的旋律與歌詞 深深印在腦中

身為美裔瑞士人  Eagle Eye Cherry的長相頗耐人尋味 特殊的口音很迷人
到目前為止他總共發過三張專輯 目前正在錄製第四張
Save Tonight是他的成名作 更是直到今日都很well-known的一首老歌

youtube上可找到的video 都embedding disabled
Save Tonight

Go on and close the curtains
cause all we need is candle light
You and me and a bottle of wine
going to hold you tonight
Well we know I'm going away
and how I wish, I wish it weren't so
So take this wine and drink with me
let's delay our misery

Save tonight
and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
tomorrow I'll be gone

Save tonight
and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
tomorrow I'll be gone

There's a log on the fire
and it burns like me for you
Tomorrow comes with one desire
to take me away it's true
It ain't easy to say goodbye
darling please don't start to cry
Cause girl you know I've got to go, oh
Lord I wish it wasn't so

Save tonight
and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
tomorrow I'll be gone

Save tonight
and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
tomorrow I'll be gone

Tomorrow comes to take me away
I wish that I, that I could stay
Girl you know I've got to go, oh
Lord I wish it wasn't so

Save tonight
and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
tomorrow I'll be gone

Save tonight
and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
tomorrow I'll be gone

Save tonight
and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
tomorrow I'll be gone

Save tonight
and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
tomorrow I'll be gone
tomorrow I'll be gone
tomorrow I'll be gone
tomorrow I'll be gone
tomorrow I'll be gone

Save tonight
Save tonight
Save tonight
Save tonight

itest8 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

98.02.12 Thu

很甜密的一首曲子 MV更是甜蜜呀

當然我很愛Plain White T's 也很愛這曲子


在芝加哥街頭拍攝的MV 和街頭民眾的直接接觸
重點是MV快到尾聲大大的 "....XX & XX from Taiwan...."

情人節前夕 就這首歌祝天下有情人終成眷屬
愛你所愛 愛所愛你的

Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make me feel better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
Give me more loving from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
You’re the best that I’ve had
And I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1 2 1 2 3 4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
I love you
(I love you) I love you

itest8 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

97.11.09 Sun

從今年上半年開始紅透的這首I'm yours
讓我不禁對這位從沒聽聞過的創作型歌手Jason Mraz感到好奇

沒有太過刻意凸顯的外表 年過30才算發跡
Jason算是一路潛蜇 然後一炮而紅
今年08年05/31發行的專輯We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things中的這首i'm yours一路竄紅
透過嗓音與吉他對位與合旋 加入pop rock與一點點雷鬼

彷彿就像歌詞表現的 “簡簡單單不要複雜“ 
很容易就朗朗上口 旋律歌詞徘徊在腦中的歌哪

官網超級不羈 一進門的歡迎詞頗讓人震撼的
手寫手繪風格 給人歌手本身強烈的個性印象


Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
Now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing
We're just one big family
And It's our God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

Scooch on over closer dear
And i will nibble your ear

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I'm be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours
Please don't, please don't, please don't
There's no need to complicate
Cause our time is short
This oh this this is out fate, I'm yours!

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原本只是想說上上youtube聽聽許久未聽的中文流行歌 準備回台灣好好上錢櫃鬼吼一下
沒想到 小孩超愛這首歌 我們一起重複唱了大概有十遍吧

低潮時聽這種可愛的歌 心情會變滴很不錯滴  
小孩也好可愛喔 很認真的一遍又一遍跟著唱  

就算失敗了一百遍 不管剩下多少時間
最遙遠的距離 就是當我說放棄 即使幸福已經很近

不需要安慰的字句 就算需要很多運氣
我永遠不放棄 擁有幸福的權利 等你願意我就願意

就在第一百零一遍 當我慢慢睜開眼
喔 也許你就會出現
失敗了一百零一遍 也要不斷的許願
神啊 再給我些時間

每一遍都是新的體驗 一轉眼又跨了一年
昨天的每一天 都是為了要讓自己 到明天更勇敢一點

就在第一百零一遍 當我慢慢睜開眼
喔 也許你就會出現
要在第一百零一遍 和你再爬高一點

就在第一百零一遍 當我慢慢睜開眼
喔 也許你就會出現
要在第一百零一遍 和你再爬高一點

就在第一百零一遍 一定要一起看見
就在第一百零一遍 我們要一起看見

神啊 再給我些時間

itest8 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

  • Feb 06 Wed 2008 09:32
  • 喜歡

靜下心來才體會 許多人事物 並不需要那樣執著 尤其當已經擦身而過
經過 停留 不過都只是一個個擁有又失去 創造回憶又必須忘記的過程 
下個停留 是一輩子

張懸 喜歡

片段中 有些散落 有些深刻的錯
還不懂 這一秒鐘 怎麼舉動 怎麼好好地和誰牽手

那寂寞有些許不同 我挑著留下沒說
那生活還過分激動  沒什麼我已經以為能夠把握

在所有人事已非的景色裡 我最喜歡你

片段中 有些散落 有些深刻的錯
就快懂 這一秒鐘 怎麼舉動 怎麼好好和你過

那寂寞有些許不同 我挑著留下沒說
那生活還過分激動  沒什麼我已經以為能夠把握

你知道 你曾經讓人被愛並且經過
在所有不被想起的快樂裡 我最喜歡你

在所有人事已非的景色裡 我最喜歡你


itest8 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

97.01.31 Thu

It was the beginning and now it is the end.
It used to be safe without a single tear and was so brilliant to make us brave enough to face.

now, it's all fake. 

Avril Lavigne - Innocence 

Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by

I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm, I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere

I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

This innocence is brilliant, It Makes you want to cry
This innocence is brilliance Please don't go away
Cause I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, Don't you let it pass you by

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97. 01. 21

靜下來才會發現 不過就是無狀態

作詞:張懸 作曲:張懸


你要我給的,應該也如此的 是這答案。 

du du du du lu lu
du du du du lu lu oh yeah
du du du du lu lu a yeah




你要我給的,應該也如此的 是這答案。







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96.11.07 Wed

一個人 一輩子 可以承受多少次的生離死別?
只知道 分離的那一瞬間 分離的每一分每一秒 

這是首聽著聽著 心神就會出竅了的歌
每句歌詞彷彿都在腦海中跳躍出鮮明的 那些畫面


獨自在昏暗房裡 緩緩拿出愛妻的衣裳 撫摸著 哭泣著
看到這幕 眼淚真的就這樣掉下來了
卻總是無法抵擋這種人世間最終 一定都得面對的死別

MV最後 象徵著被孤獨思念箝制的牆 破裂塌倒
老人穿起西裝 打著領結 在愛妻的墳上 倒了兩杯紅酒
孕婦在軍人眷屬集會上收到情人"i am okay. i miss u"的簡訊
小女孩回到屬於兩人的那棵樹 在樹幹上刻下了箴言

將思念 化作積極的力量
最終 一定可以再站起來
畢竟 人生就是不斷的往前走 是吧.....

When You're Gone-Avril Lavigne

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cried
從未想過 在我哭泣時會需要你在身旁
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
我所需要的那些 讓我可以安然渡日的話語
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were
我知道 我們曾的確如此

All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
我所做的每件事 都是真心真意的
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me
我無法呼吸  我需要那種你在身邊的感覺

itest8 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

96.10.26 Fri

從一開始聽到就超愛 而且一定要是Timbaland feat. One Republic的版本

緊握 切割
當一個人深深傷了另一個人 斷了那聯繫情感的繩
斷繩 接不回來
碎掉的心 也拼不回來
道歉 又何足掛在嘴邊?

其實感情裡 許多真真假假 許多互動與選擇
誰又可以設立什麼樣的標準 去決定 什麼是對的 什麼是錯的?
唯一可以作為準則的 是 心
真的愛過一個人 愛到知道做什麼樣的事情會深深傷害他 還做了
那這樣的事情 真的該道歉
而且說道歉的同時 就知道一切都太晚了

卻是個irrational belief 本身就是非理性的
就這樣 掉入一個不斷合理化實則不合理化的無限輪迴


這首Timbaland feat. One Republic的版本
配著不曉得究竟是什麼 深深遠遠淡淡的 像小提琴般的緩緩呻吟
中段後 鮮明的節奏強烈表達"一切都太遲了"的痛
被傷的很深 深到連道歉都沒有用的那種 想轉身就走的念頭

都想著 不管怎樣 不能讓身邊的人有這種感受
在對方轉身離去的當下 似乎就會一輩子背著無形的枷鎖
愧欠 是做什麼都彌補不來的

Timbaland feat. One Republic Official Music Video


I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound
聽著你說的一字一句 我卻什麼話都說不出口
You tell me that you need me
你說 你需要我
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
接著卻轉身離去 切斷那情感聯繫, 慢點....
You tell me that you're sorry
你說 你很抱歉
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...

that it's too late to apologize, it's too late
現在道歉太晚了吧 太晚了
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
我說 道歉太晚了 真的太晚了

I'd take another chance, take a fall
我希望有另一個機會 為你沉淪
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothing new - yeah

I loved you with the fire red-
Now it's turning blue, and you say...
"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
"我很抱歉" 像天使 每回想起天堂我就想起你
But I'm afraid...

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
現在道歉太晚了吧 太晚了
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late whoaa ohhh...
我說 道歉太晚了 真的太晚了

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
現在道歉太晚了吧 太晚了
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
我說 道歉太晚了 真的太晚了
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah-
我說 道歉太晚了
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah-
我說 道歉太晚了
I'm holding on your rope, got me ten feet... off the ground...
緊握著你給的繩索 離地...十呎....墜落

One Republic Official Music Video

我比較喜歡這MV 拍的超有感覺!!!!
快速旋轉的記憶 流血 破碎


反正 這是首好歌
意義更簡單 卻深重

itest8 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

96.10.25 Thu

不知怎麼的 最近愛上了Keane
原本就知道他們 也聽過他們的某些歌
沉溺在Tom Chaplin的歌聲中 讓他們的歌長驅直入的觸碰心靈
簡單兩個字 "舒服"
Tom的假音 配上鋼琴和弦與鼓聲節奏 就是舒服 

人生的每段時期 都會有某個聲音 某個樂團 某些人 

現在 什麼也停止不了

Keane-can't stop now

I noticed tonight that the world has been turning
我發現 今晚 世界正在改變
While I've been stuck here dithering around
Well I know I said I'd wait around till you need me
是的 我知道 我說過 會一直等你直到你需要我
But I have to go, I hate to let you down 
但我得走了 我不想讓你失望
But I can't stop now
I've got troubles of my own
Cause I'm short on time
I'm lonely
And I'm too tired to talk

I noticed tonight that the world has been turning
我發現 今晚 世界正在改變
While I've been stuck here withering away
Well I know I said I wouldn't leave you behind
是的 我知道 我說過 不會把你一個人丟下
But I have to go, it breaks my heart to say
但我得走了 很傷心但還是得說 
That I can't stop now
就是 我停止不了了
I've got troubles of my own
Cause I'm short on time
I'm lonely
And I'm too tired to talk

No one back home
I've got troubles of my own
And I can't slow down
For no one in town
And I can't stop now

And I can't slow down
For no one in town
And I can't stop now
For no one

The motion keeps my heart running
The motion keeps my heart running
The motion keeps my heart running
The motion keeps my heart running
這情緒 讓心不停悸動

itest8 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

96.09.19 Wed

不知道從什麼時候開始 下意識的就開始哼起這旋律
一開始 連自己在哼的是什麼都不知道


不曉得從六月的哪一天開始 在nams唱歌時聽到ching唱這首歌 第一次聽到
忘記了是哪一天 好像ketti和pat唱過合唱(?)
還有更多更多次 是在朋友車上聽著的

廣東話只有三歲小孩程度的我 即使看著歌詞 好像也不大能完全理解

即使如此 從此之後 這旋律就這樣深深印在心裡....

兩天前 大家一起唸書 
ketti和pat說 "這個台灣人唱起廣東歌了..."
哈哈 她就很sweet的抓了給我....(love you ketti )

曾經我也是個什麼都不想改 也相信不用改 
什麼問題只要有心 就可以迎刃而解
曾經我也以為生命中沒有某個人 將會完全沒有色彩 沒有意義
期待的 只有一個人的懷抱胸膛

現在回頭再看 好像這樣的倔強專一 並沒有讓自己比較快樂幸福

我們 都夠坦承嗎?
我們 都還能再愛嗎?
我們 都準備好了面對另外一個人嗎?


再見了"我的寵愛" 誰願接受這種意外
你讚我天生可愛 不願看著我離開

同伴也話我傻 喜歡受挫 寧願情敵在傷我

怎奈你最夠刺激我 凡事也治到倒我
幾多黑心的教唆 我亦捱得過
來煽風來點火 就擊倒我麼

誰戀愛就多障礙 死性我不想改
如我沒有你的愛 我沒法活得來
情人的存在 是我從來都志在 難在我拱手讓愛

我怕可一不可再 難道你被愛都有害
我確信天真不會錯 威力會移山填海

同伴也話我傻 喜歡受挫 寧願情敵再傷我

# 人天生根本都不可以 愛死身邊的一個
怎奈你最夠刺激我 凡事也治到我
幾多黑心的教唆 我亦捱得過
來煽風來點火 就擊倒我麼

誰戀愛就多障礙 死性我不想改
如我沒有你的愛 我沒法活得來
情人的存在 是我從來都志在 難在我拱手讓愛

itest8 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

96.09.10 Mon

總是要到失去 才真的懷念起當初的擁有
you dont know me 
maybe i dont know you either

you always said you know me more than i know you
if it;s true, how could all this happened?

回不去了 對吧?! 你知道嗎?


In the light of the sun,
Is there anyone?
Oh it has begun...
Oh dear, you look so lost,
Eyes are red
The tears are shed,
This world you must've crossed.
You said,

You don't know me,
And you don't even care, oh yeah,
And you said,
You don't know me,
And you don't wear my chains, oh yeah.

Essential yet appealed,
You carry all your thoughts
Across an open field,
Where flowers gaze at you,
They're not the only ones
Who cry when they see you
You said

You don't know me,
And you don't even care, oh yeah,
Well you said,
You don't know me,
And you don't wear my chains, oh yeah.

She said I think I'll go to Boston.
I think I'll start a new life.
I think I'll start it over, where no one knows my name.
I'll get out of California, I'm tired of the weather,
I think I'll get a lover and fly 'em out to Spain. Oh yeah well
I think I'll go to Boston.
I think that I'm just tired.
I think I need a new town, to leave this all behind.
I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of Sunset,
I hear it's nice in the summer, some snow would be nice, oh yeah.

You don't know me,
And you don't even care, oh yeah

Boston, where no one knows my name,
Where no one knows my name
Where no one knows my name, yeah.

Boston, where no one knows my name.

itest8 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

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