
自從看了Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa 【馬達加斯加2】
就對Moto Moto這個角色無法忘情
Will-i-am的嗓音配上Moto Moto這個自戀的大河馬 激盪出無法言諭的妙趣
整體而言 這部電影又是個Dreamworks的佳作
除了提名2008 艾美獎Best Animated Effects與Best Writing in an Animated Feature Production外
也贏了2009 Blimp Award的 Favorite Animated Movie
流暢的故事 逗趣的對話 精細的特效
不只小孩愛看 對成人也有絕佳的娛樂效果
就是不是主角 但一出場噴飯效果一流的Moto Moto
Moto Moto是哪位?
就是在非州迷上 Gloria的那隻大肥河馬
在河馬的世界 越大 越肥 越圓 越是迷人

Moto Moto是草原上最肥碩的公河馬
自戀的他 也認為自己迷死眾天下母河馬是也
Moto Moto是非洲話裡的““hot hot"" 或許中文可以翻成“夯夯“-就是超夯的一隻河馬
主要出場兩次的Moto Moto 每次出場都令人爆笑
英文版的配音與歌曲 由The Black Eyed Peas 裡的Will.i.am負責
風格詭異的 以其獨特的沙啞低沈嗓音 把這個角色唱的活靈活現
主要兩個有Moto Moto的橋段
1. 初遇Gloria之 ““Big and Chunky"" 與2. 戲水橋段之“She loves me“
由歌詞可知 這是個多麼崇尚big (大)and chunky (又壯又碩)and plumpy (又矮又渾圓)的世界哪
在“She loves Me“裡 還出現 heftiness(又大又重又夠力)和zestiness (又辣又帶勁的滋味)
plumpy是古早用字 現在很少有人用來形容身材
zestiness是zesty的變形 算是made-up的字
Big and Chunky
Chunky, chunky,
I like 'em big, I like 'em chunky
I like 'em big, I like 'em plumpy
I like 'em round, With something, something
They Like my sound/ They think I'm funky
She Loves Me
She loves me, she loves my eyes, (很好 愛我的眼睛很好)
She loves me, she loves my thighs, (愛我的大腿也不賴)
She loves my roundness, (恩 喜歡我的渾圓)
She loves that I'm chunky, (喜歡我很大一塊.....ㄜ)
She loves that I'm plumpy, (喜歡我又圓又矮又肥...喂~)
She loves my heftiness, (喜歡我又大又重又夠力)
She loves my zestiness, (喜歡我又辣又帶勁的滋味)
She loves my restlessly,
She loves me forever,
She loves me, because she loves me.
Dreamworks額外錄了整首“Big and Chuny“還有MV 也是個好笑
Big and Chuny
Chunky, chunky,
I like 'em big, I like 'em chunky
I like 'em big, I like 'em plumpy
I like 'em round, With something, something
They Like my sound/ They think I'm funky
My name is Motto Motto
You say it double
Say my name. Motto Motto
Say it again/ Motto Motto
I am nice and smooth. So nice and sassy
No other Hippos. Don't wanna get next to me
I like em chunky, chunky, chunky. Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
Chunky, chunky, chunky. Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
I like em hippos. That's in the wild
I like they attitude. I like they style
The way they walk, walk. The way they talk, talk
I like 'em witta appetite. To eat a shark, shark
And when a dog barks, she'll eat em too
I love every inch,
Oh yes I do
I like em chunky, chunky, chunky. Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
Chunky, chunky, chunky. Plumpy, plumpy, plumpy
Ain't nottin' wrong. With lovin' chunky
I like 'em funny
I like 'em spunky. I like 'em witty
I like 'em smart... with brains
Girl I Like your big... (What you say)
Your big ol' heart (What)
Girl you crazy. She drive me crazy
I love my lady
She nice and shapely. She nice and spacey
Take so much space up. Like a big ol' spaceship
Movin' so gracious
It's all in the way she moves. It's all in the way she moves
It's all in the way. It's all in the way she moves
When she do, what she do
What she do, what she do, what she do, what she do
Get it girl
Chunky. Plumpy
Chunky. Plumpy
Ain't nottin' wrong. Ain't nottin' wrong
Chunky. Plump