97.10.24 Fri

A’s hospital bands, with all sensitive patient information removed, of course :)
週四半夜兩點 翻來覆去就是無法入眠
宮縮感覺越來越頻繁 還有點悶悶痛痛的
那晚尿超多 從兩點到早上十點半起床 總共起來尿了四次
感覺和以往的宮縮不大一樣 怎麼都沒有變軟的時候?
更奇怪的是 硬的特別紮實 肚子變成一顆高聳的西瓜 一點彈性都沒有
幾乎整夜沒睡 根本不好睡 淺淺的 睡著了又被痛給搞醒了
隱約中 感覺寶寶好像不像以往 半夜特別會痛
那晚 只感覺寶寶輕微的動了兩下 真的是只有”兩”下 第二下是在凌晨四點多
不過我也沒想太多 想說起床應該就會好點
十一點吃點東西 準備十二點半去參加Friday Group
很怪 懷孕後老是超好的胃口竟然不是很好 有可能是因為子宮還是縮的很硬 不舒服
我還是沒想太多 隨便吃兩口 就開始換裝
這時才發現 赫!! 怎麼流了很多黏液狀的血 一大坨!
剛好B傳簡訊來 (他每天早上快中午都會傳簡訊給我問好)
沒想到 他竟然馬上打電話過來
像”子宮多久縮一次?” “小孩最後一次什麼時候動?” “流血量多少”等等
因為我根本搞不清楚怎麼算 也懶得算
不過就在我們講話的那十五分鐘 我發現 肚子根本沒有軟下來過!!
整整十五分鐘怎麼都縮的硬硬的 而且還持續一陣陣縮
和他說最後一次感覺到寶寶是凌晨四點後 我更擔心了
我很用力的像平時那樣推寶寶的屁股 他卻動都不動
(其實肚子縮的太硬了 要用力擠壓摸到小孩都有困難)
B掛上電話 說他得先確認我們的保險事宜看我可以去哪間醫院急診
XD 我原本還不擔心 講電話時也還在收拾要去meeting的書本紙筆
掛上電話後 繼續試著摸寶寶他卻一點回應也沒有
想起他在電話裡講的 “有可能胎盤撥離”,”有可能感染”等等
B又打一通電話來 他說 他問了身邊的OB醫生 大家都建議我馬上去醫院
他找不到BagerCare的Janice 不過依照我們所擁有的文件指出
於是 他叫我馬上到他實習的醫院 Meriter
一路上 我才警覺 肚子縮的真的很不對勁 越來越痛
到了醫院 他在門口等我 帶我停車後直奔Birthing Center的急診室
一進門馬上帶我去病床上 就把探測機器黏上肚皮
一個探測寶寶心跳 一個探測子宮收縮
發現 我竟然很規律的在三分鐘收縮一次 而且每回收縮的強度都很強很近
安心的是 寶寶心跳速度與頻率都很健康 (好險 老媽比較怕你怎樣….)
醫生來了 把我帶進去內診 先採樣本 再觸診
我最討厭被放東西進來…..更何況是在身體這麼不舒服的狀況下 orz
一摸 糟糕 原來我子宮頸已經開了兩公分 厚度也變薄了
我們都沒想到 這竟然是”早產產兆”!!!
被放回急診的床上繼續監測 醫生護士們要我們趕緊做好決定要住哪間醫院
什麼!! 要住院??
看著儀器顯示的可怕連續高峰 我知道 如果這樣小孩跑出來可是一點都不好玩的
都確定電腦系統裡 我依舊是在BagerCare裡的 可以住在Meriter
雖然使用GHC去St. Mary最保險 不過B非常希望我能在他熟悉的醫院接受treatment 我們還是決定住下來了
醫生去準備用藥 護士們馬上幫我安排進一間超大間的產房 (以防控制不住得生了)
躺在床上 衣服馬上被換掉 護士幫忙註冊住院資料 打IV 監測肚皮
忙忙碌碌了幾個小時 天都黑了 才稍稍能喘口氣安靜一下
看著大大的產房 真的又住院了
這回 心情可是大不相同
One of the assignments I had for my OB/Gyn clerkship (which, yes, ironically, I was on during this whole thing) was to write my most memorable experience in the rotation. I pasted it here:
“Many of my experiences on the OB/Gyn rotation could be classified as memorable, unforgettable, or unique - a few that come to mind are the huge dermoid cyst (tooth and all!) I saw removed laparoscopically on Gyn Onc service, a patient with Turner's syndrome undergo a C-section, or the lady we delivered and repaired right on the bed in triage. However, in addition to these wonderful opportunities, I may have had one of the most truly singular experiences as an OB/Gyn MS3.
Through a series of coincidences and people calling in sick for work, I started on L&D/Triage a day early - the Friday morning before my actual 2 week L&D segment started. On my lunch break, I called home to my wife, who was 31 1/7 weeks pregnant at the time, to tell her that I would get an extra day of baby delivering time - the more experience I got as a student would help me that much more educated as a father/labor partner. "Great! Speaking of OB," she said, "I should mention that I was having some very bizarre contractions in the middle of the night. They have gotten a little better now, but I am worried that I haven't felt much baby activity since that time and something just doesn't feel right."
As a very anxious and green medical student, I went though my mental checklist and asked her many more detailed questions about this problem and attempted to formulate a diagnosis in my head. I ran it by the senior resident on duty, who agreed with me that she should come in and get put on the fetal heart monitor. Within one hour, I went from being an eager medical student in fresh blue scrubs, to the typical semi-nervous husband of a semi-nervous pregnant women in triage for preterm labor evaluation.
When all was said and done, she was indeed in preterm labor, cervical change and all, which they were able to blast with tocolytic medication until her uterus became quiescent and she was deemed fit to go home on bedrest. While the medicine I learned during this four day inpatient stay was very valuable and pertinent to my OB/Gyn clerkship, the more rewarding part was the perspective I was forced to take from the other end of the stethoscope. Seeing my fellow residents, staff physicians, nursing staff and everyone else provide such quality care to my wife profoundly changed the way I viewed patient care, and it really helped to shape the way I cared for patients on the Labor & Delivery floor after I returned.
Although this particular experience certainly is not listed in the clerkship syllabus, I truly walked away from my OB/Gyn experience with a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of the field. Although I have started a new rotation now, I am eager (but not too eager - little guy still has some growing to do!) to return to Meriter for our delivery, and another chance to interact with such wonderful people.”

A’s hospital bands, with all sensitive patient information removed, of course :)
週四半夜兩點 翻來覆去就是無法入眠
宮縮感覺越來越頻繁 還有點悶悶痛痛的
那晚尿超多 從兩點到早上十點半起床 總共起來尿了四次
感覺和以往的宮縮不大一樣 怎麼都沒有變軟的時候?
更奇怪的是 硬的特別紮實 肚子變成一顆高聳的西瓜 一點彈性都沒有
幾乎整夜沒睡 根本不好睡 淺淺的 睡著了又被痛給搞醒了
隱約中 感覺寶寶好像不像以往 半夜特別會痛
那晚 只感覺寶寶輕微的動了兩下 真的是只有”兩”下 第二下是在凌晨四點多
不過我也沒想太多 想說起床應該就會好點
十一點吃點東西 準備十二點半去參加Friday Group
很怪 懷孕後老是超好的胃口竟然不是很好 有可能是因為子宮還是縮的很硬 不舒服
我還是沒想太多 隨便吃兩口 就開始換裝
這時才發現 赫!! 怎麼流了很多黏液狀的血 一大坨!
剛好B傳簡訊來 (他每天早上快中午都會傳簡訊給我問好)
沒想到 他竟然馬上打電話過來
像”子宮多久縮一次?” “小孩最後一次什麼時候動?” “流血量多少”等等
因為我根本搞不清楚怎麼算 也懶得算
不過就在我們講話的那十五分鐘 我發現 肚子根本沒有軟下來過!!
整整十五分鐘怎麼都縮的硬硬的 而且還持續一陣陣縮
和他說最後一次感覺到寶寶是凌晨四點後 我更擔心了
我很用力的像平時那樣推寶寶的屁股 他卻動都不動
(其實肚子縮的太硬了 要用力擠壓摸到小孩都有困難)
B掛上電話 說他得先確認我們的保險事宜看我可以去哪間醫院急診
XD 我原本還不擔心 講電話時也還在收拾要去meeting的書本紙筆
掛上電話後 繼續試著摸寶寶他卻一點回應也沒有
想起他在電話裡講的 “有可能胎盤撥離”,”有可能感染”等等
B又打一通電話來 他說 他問了身邊的OB醫生 大家都建議我馬上去醫院
他找不到BagerCare的Janice 不過依照我們所擁有的文件指出
於是 他叫我馬上到他實習的醫院 Meriter
一路上 我才警覺 肚子縮的真的很不對勁 越來越痛
到了醫院 他在門口等我 帶我停車後直奔Birthing Center的急診室
一進門馬上帶我去病床上 就把探測機器黏上肚皮
一個探測寶寶心跳 一個探測子宮收縮
發現 我竟然很規律的在三分鐘收縮一次 而且每回收縮的強度都很強很近
安心的是 寶寶心跳速度與頻率都很健康 (好險 老媽比較怕你怎樣….)
醫生來了 把我帶進去內診 先採樣本 再觸診
我最討厭被放東西進來…..更何況是在身體這麼不舒服的狀況下 orz
一摸 糟糕 原來我子宮頸已經開了兩公分 厚度也變薄了
我們都沒想到 這竟然是”早產產兆”!!!
被放回急診的床上繼續監測 醫生護士們要我們趕緊做好決定要住哪間醫院
什麼!! 要住院??
看著儀器顯示的可怕連續高峰 我知道 如果這樣小孩跑出來可是一點都不好玩的
都確定電腦系統裡 我依舊是在BagerCare裡的 可以住在Meriter
雖然使用GHC去St. Mary最保險 不過B非常希望我能在他熟悉的醫院接受treatment 我們還是決定住下來了
醫生去準備用藥 護士們馬上幫我安排進一間超大間的產房 (以防控制不住得生了)
躺在床上 衣服馬上被換掉 護士幫忙註冊住院資料 打IV 監測肚皮
忙忙碌碌了幾個小時 天都黑了 才稍稍能喘口氣安靜一下
看著大大的產房 真的又住院了
這回 心情可是大不相同
One of the assignments I had for my OB/Gyn clerkship (which, yes, ironically, I was on during this whole thing) was to write my most memorable experience in the rotation. I pasted it here:
“Many of my experiences on the OB/Gyn rotation could be classified as memorable, unforgettable, or unique - a few that come to mind are the huge dermoid cyst (tooth and all!) I saw removed laparoscopically on Gyn Onc service, a patient with Turner's syndrome undergo a C-section, or the lady we delivered and repaired right on the bed in triage. However, in addition to these wonderful opportunities, I may have had one of the most truly singular experiences as an OB/Gyn MS3.
Through a series of coincidences and people calling in sick for work, I started on L&D/Triage a day early - the Friday morning before my actual 2 week L&D segment started. On my lunch break, I called home to my wife, who was 31 1/7 weeks pregnant at the time, to tell her that I would get an extra day of baby delivering time - the more experience I got as a student would help me that much more educated as a father/labor partner. "Great! Speaking of OB," she said, "I should mention that I was having some very bizarre contractions in the middle of the night. They have gotten a little better now, but I am worried that I haven't felt much baby activity since that time and something just doesn't feel right."
As a very anxious and green medical student, I went though my mental checklist and asked her many more detailed questions about this problem and attempted to formulate a diagnosis in my head. I ran it by the senior resident on duty, who agreed with me that she should come in and get put on the fetal heart monitor. Within one hour, I went from being an eager medical student in fresh blue scrubs, to the typical semi-nervous husband of a semi-nervous pregnant women in triage for preterm labor evaluation.
When all was said and done, she was indeed in preterm labor, cervical change and all, which they were able to blast with tocolytic medication until her uterus became quiescent and she was deemed fit to go home on bedrest. While the medicine I learned during this four day inpatient stay was very valuable and pertinent to my OB/Gyn clerkship, the more rewarding part was the perspective I was forced to take from the other end of the stethoscope. Seeing my fellow residents, staff physicians, nursing staff and everyone else provide such quality care to my wife profoundly changed the way I viewed patient care, and it really helped to shape the way I cared for patients on the Labor & Delivery floor after I returned.
Although this particular experience certainly is not listed in the clerkship syllabus, I truly walked away from my OB/Gyn experience with a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of the field. Although I have started a new rotation now, I am eager (but not too eager - little guy still has some growing to do!) to return to Meriter for our delivery, and another chance to interact with such wonderful people.”